Charles Edison

"Economics, politics, and personalities are often inseparable." - Charles Edison

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Can you resist "Schweddy Balls"?

If you are a fan of Ben & Jerry’s icecream like I am, you have probably noticed their funny flavors. If not, check out the icecream isle next time your at the grocery store. Half Baked, Magic Brownies, Karamel Sutra... the list of witty names goes on. Ben & Jerry’s has shown a lot of activism as a company, supporting Occupy Wallstreet, environmental issues and other current events. They even celebrated the fight for gay rights by renaming their “Chubby Hubby” icecream to “Hubby Hubby”.
Ben & Jerry’s decided to go out with a bang when they whipped out “Schweddy Balls”, their new featured flavor last year in reference to a popular SNL skit. The icecream is rum flavored with fudge malt balls, staying true to the "mouth-watering Schweddy rum ball family recipe". Many consumers began to think they were starting to push the envelope. The carefree company let it be known that they were not going to worry about complaints and just wanted to have some fun and honor the hilarious Alec Baldwin skit. Mothers were saying that they didn’t want to hear their children asking for schweddy balls. Some organizations tried to boycott and resist Schweddy Balls. Many were offended and viewed the flavor inappropriate.
Despite your view on the Schweddy Ball controversy, there is a lot of respect to be given for Ben & Jerry’s as a business. They started out selling icecream out of a gas station in a small town in Vermont and are now known and loved nationwide. The 30 year old company has grown drastically despite their edginess and risky stances.
So has their gutsiness been a positive marketing strategy? Do you still there no such thing as bad publicity? And lastly-- will you resist their Schweddy Balls?

Other cool flavors include “Americone Dream” honoring Stephen Colbert, “Late Night Snack” honoring Jimmy Fallon, and “Cherry Garcia” in respects to Grateful Dead’s guitarist Jerry Garcia.

1 comment:

D.McKee said...

I believe that naming their ice cream in witty ways actually benefits Ben and Jerry's ice cream. They get a lot of business out of their flavors because they are so different from m-the other ice cream companies on the market. Ben and Jerry's is taking advantage of publicity wherever they can get it. I think this a genius marketing strategy because people will actually pay attention to their brand. Mothers may not want to buy their children ice cream with perverse names, but a college student would go out of thier way to purchase these items. I think this is Ben and Jerry's pursuing a different market. Instead of pursuing mothers who like old fashioned vanilla ice cream from Blue Bell (gross), they are actually going after people with a sense of humor. This is economically genius. For any company to be successful, they have to find their market. I definitely would be interested to try "Schweddy Balls" just to get back at my mother. Thanks Ben and Jerry's for making life awesomely unpredictable.